Nanotechnology Conference-Global Edition

Conference Theme : Nanoscale Safety and Environmental Impact

Yuming Chen

Fujian Normal University, China


Dr. Yuming Chen received his Ph.D from Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). During his PhD study, he was a visiting student in Prof. John B Goodenough’s group in The University of Texas at Austin. After his graduation, he became a postdoctoral researcher in PolyU (2014, 2016-2018), NTU (2015-2016), and MIT (2016-2020). He joined in Fujian Normal University in 2020 as a full professor. His researches include materials sciences, solid-state Li metal batteries, and in situ characterization. Currently, he has published over 60 papers as the first/corresponding author, including Nature, Chem, Science Advances, Nature Communications, PNAS, JACS, ACIE, and EES. His work has been highlighted by Science, MIT News and U.S. DOE.